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Magnettech ESR5000


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Keyword tag:all in a compact and easy-to-install benchtop solution.
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Expand your analytical capabilities with EPR technology. The Bruker Magnettech ESR5000 provides both academic and industrial laboratories with X-band research grade sensitivity plus a wide field range, all in a compact and easy-to-install benchtop solution.


Enzyme Reactions
Detection and study of the active site of Cu,Zn-SOD

Many enzyme reactions involve one-electron oxidation steps with formation of paramagnetic transient state of the enzyme detectable by EPR. 

Reaction Kinetics
Kinetics analysis of vitamin C antioxidant ability
Many chemical reactions involve the transfer of one electron. Each electron transfer results in an unpaired electron creating paramagnetic free radicals. 

Light degradation of hops in beer
The majority of photochemical reactions take place through free radical formation as intermediates. For example, hops used in the brewing process contain a mixture of active components that include humulones, cohumulones, adhumulones, beta acids and essential oils. Some forms of these components are photo-active.

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