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TI Premier


Place of Origin:Germany

Model:TI Premier

Keyword tag:Quantitative Nanoscale;Microscale Mechanical;Tribological Characterization
021-37018108Online Message

Hysitron TI Premier

Enabling Quantitative Nanomechanical Research

Bruker's Hysitron TI Premier Series was specifically designed to deliver industry-leading, quantitative nanomechanical characterization within a compact platform. Built upon proven Hysitron technology, the Hysitron TI Premier provides an essential toolkit for your nanoscale mechanical and tribological testing. Routine measurements to advance research can be accomplished utilizing the versatile base configurations of the Hysitron TI Premier, while numerous technique upgrade options are available to meet the potential diversity of your future characterization needs.

The Hysitron TI Premier is adaptable to meet specific research needs. Common configurations include:

Quasi-Static Nanoindentation 
Multipurpose configuration, optimized for mechanical characterization of thin films and coatings

Dynamic Nanoindentation 
Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical property characterization over a broad range of materials, from ultra-soft to ultra-hard

High Temperature Nanoindentation 
Investigate mechanical properties and time-dependent deformation behavior as a function of temperature, up to 800°C

Multi-Scale Indentation 
Depth-sensing indentation over the nanometer and micrometer length scales


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