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XRF Analyzer for Mineral Exploration


Place of Origin:Germany

Model:S1 TITAN

Keyword tag:Handheld XRF Spectrometer;XRF Analyzer for Mineral Exploration,S1 TITAN
021-37018108Online Message

       XRF Analyzers have drastically changed the methods by which exploration geologists perform mineral exploration over the past ten years. Old school exploration included hauling taluses in bags to be taken to the lab to determine possible mineral content. It could take up to weeks before the data was actually furnished. Today’s exploration methods include real time data obtained with handheld XRF analyzers in the field and on the spot with a GPS location linked to it. Get more information on the S1 TITAN for mineral exploration.

       In the same manner that microwaves, cell phones and computers have changed the way we acquire and more importantly the speed in which we expect information, handheld XRF analyzers have revolutionized the spirit of exploration. When you have instantaneous results in the palm of your hand, you are motivated to continue and can easily wind up mapping larger areas than ever would have been conceived before these revolutionary technological advancements. Not only have these instruments made a huge impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of mineral exploration, they actually enhance the thrill of the exploration experience.

       When exploring for precious metals, one of the most widely used techniques is to identify and monitor geochemical pathfinder elements which conveniently, are typically more easily detected by the XRF analyzer. Depending on location and specific types of ore deposits, certain elements are present and/ or consistently ratio targeted elements of interest such as gold (Au) or silver (Ag). Arsenic (As) is a very common element to use as a pathfinder element for Au. By identifying anomalous As, there is a distinct possibility of tracking Au deposits. Depending on the specific geochemistry of the area being explored, many other elements can also be used as pathfinders for Au such as Ag, copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg).

       The development of the Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) in handheld XRF has markedly improved the limits of detection (LODs) for precious metals. However, the more elements available to track and confirm their existence and how well they correlate to the element of interest, the quicker and more accurately you may identify the actual location of the ore deposit. It is important to be able to distinguish the effectiveness of a pathfinder before relying on it. This can easily be confirmed by sending some of the samples you analyzed with the XRF to the lab to see how closely they correlate. Tracking every element contained in the samples is not necessary however examining how specific elements correlate to targeted elements is most important.



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