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Boyue Instruments Held Material Surface Analysis Senimar Again in Chengdu

Release time:2019-06-26Visit:827

       Boyue instruments held material surface analysis senimar again in chengdu on May 31th. We invited our customers from chendu and near chengdu together,shared our products technical and applications ,our customers was interested in our presentations and demo during the whole senimar.We are really thanks for our customers coming.

       We mainly share the Bruker Nano instruments include :Stylus Profilers(DektakXT® Stylus Profiler,Dektak XTL stylus profiler),3D Optical Microscopes,Atomic Force MicroscopesNanomechanical Test Instruments,Besides we also introduce our Micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (Micro-XRF)-M4 TORNADO and M4 TORNADO PLUS.Especially M4 TORNADOPLUS is the world's first Micro-XRF spectrometer that enables the detection and analysis of the entire element range from carbon to americium. As the latest member of the proven, market leading family of M4 TORNADO Micro-XRF analyzers, the M4 TORNADOPLUS also offers additional unique features, such as an innovative aperture management system, an ultra-high throughput pulse processor and a flexible quick-change sample stage.

       Founded in 2004, Boyue Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd has established strategic cooperation with reputable international instruments brands. With constant pursuit of company management and service quality improvement, Boyue has become a well-known instruments provider in China. Dedicated to High-tech Industry, we supply high precision analyzers, testing instruments, manufacturing equipment, related consumables and accessories, widely applied into fields of Industry, Environment, Food, Biology, Geology, Semiconductor, Solar energy, Pharma, Medical equipment, Art & Archeology, Criminal investigation, serving Academies, Research Institutes, Testing Inspection and Certification institutes, governmental sectors.

Boyue Marketing Manager  Welcome Speaking                                       General Manager Dasiy  Introduced Company

Bruker Application Manager Dr.Huang give presentation--Bruker Surface Instruments Technical and Applications (Left picture)

Bruker XMA China Manager Dr.Yan Introduce Bruker Micro-XRF Application in Materials (Right picture)

Instrument DEMO ,Q&A,Technical Communication



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Contact our application team immediately: 021-37018108, info@boyuesh.com 



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